Saturday, 26 March 2011

Social Constructivism

Positives of Social Constructivism
  • Tasks that are relevant to the students increases engagement - the world around them is used to engage, build and extend knowledge
  • Peer scaffolding
  • Teach in the students' ZPD to build and extend on their existing knowledge

Web 2.0 is engaging and allows for students to be collaborative learners as they are able to access and interact with a world of information. Using Web 2.0 in Education enables teachers and students to interact with and contribute to the knowledge that currently exists. 

There are numerous ways that blogs can be used in education. They can be used privately within the classroom to record information. For example, if the students were involved in a project on collecting daily data on the weather, they could record the information in the blog, makes notes and present a summary at the end of the time that had been allocated for the data collection. They can also be used to publish their work to an external network and also read and comment on other people's blogs around the world. 

Monday, 21 March 2011