Tuesday, 17 May 2011


As Web 2.0 has developed into a collaborative and interactive environment, there has been a proliferation of social networking sites. Social networking sites such as Facebook require people to be at least 13 years old to join. In the Primary School domain, there are sites such as Moshimonster and Club Penguin that allow students network with each other over the internet. These are great for students to develop and maintain networks and increase their ability to communicate with each other.

It is essential that issues surrounding online issues and behaviour are addressed in the classroom. The ACMA cybercitizen profile is based on four capabilities:
  • Positive online behaviour
  • Digital media literacy
  • Peer and personal safety
  • E-security
It is important for people to be aware of what their online profile is and to think of what some of the impacts of their online profiles might be. For example, children that have a profile with their full name and date of birth may encounter some level of identity theft in the future.

Treat people in the online world as you would in everyday life.


  1. Kate, the cyber safety seminar was really interesting. I think that the most importance aspect was the need to teach our children to be cyber safe. Aspects of internet use that have become second nature to us, may not be straight forward and logical to our students. They may willingly engage with a fake celebrity profile on Facebook, thinking that they have made a new friend. I think that in schools, the key is to ensure that students are educated in HOW these networking sites function and to be aware of who their friends are online. At the same time, scaring students is probably not the best way to teach them these skills, they should be active and aware but not paranoid :)

  2. I agree, Lexie - it's important to find a happy medium between fear and complacency. Your comment that students should be 'active and aware but not paranoid' is spot on. That means that we need to address not just the negatives but also the positives of social networking and other web 2.0 services.

  3. Kate I totally agree. I am loved the Cyber Safety seminar yet I came out of it going WOW, there is so much I need to educate myself about as a teacher, and to teach the students.

    For example, as soon as the lecutre finished I was onto my Facebook changing my privacy settings.

    And I think it is excellent that we had this opp to hear direct from ACMA about the issues so that once we get out there into schools and classrooms we can address these issues. Many teachers may not know about cyber safety issues, or if they do, they may not know how to address, or how to educate their students.

    Agreed with the above comments, we need to strike a balance. And now we have all done the seminar, we should be top notch at educating our students!!

  4. PS- Loving your DOMINATION TAGDOG. Brilliant!!

  5. That seminar on cyber safety was a real eyeopener. Great comments, I agree that as educators we need to raise students awareness of the possible dangers lurking online but not cause them to become paranoid. Hopefully schools will be well equip to ensure their teachers have enough knowledge and understanding of the issue to pass it onto their students.
