Monday, 9 May 2011


This short clip on youtube gives a quick introduction and overview to what a webquest is and how it can be used in the classroom:

The purpose of a WebQuest is to understand a topic through the use of the Internet and is a way to organise and present information on the topic.

There are many websites that have been developed for school students to collaborate together across the globe. One that was particularly interesting is iEARN which is a website that can connect schools and teachers around the globe.

The school students in the remote community of Nyirrpi in Central Australia are participating in the Teddy Bear Exchange program with students in Canada. This extends on the more traditional adventures of the classroom teddy bear where students take the bear home for the weekend and take pictures of their adventures. The Canadian students have sent “Bucky the Bear” to Nyirrpi where he has been part of a bush-tucker expedition and traditional Aboriginal dancing. The students of Nyirrpi sent a kangaroo who has played in snow fights and been to Niagara falls.

It is such an interactive and amazing way for students to learn and connect with other geographies, cultures and lifestyles.


  1. Kate, I really like this idea! I think that it gives students the opportunity to collaborate with international students and this opens students up to new learning experiences. Students also have the opportunity to create connections with other students and to expand upon their thinking.

  2. This concept is an extension of the discussion board, which also allows students to connect with different school communities.

    Mark has introduced us to so many tools we can use in our schools to connect students with other communities which is so important for global understanding.

    It can open up so many career and travel opportunities for children in the future if they can experience other cultures and what is happening outside of their own community.

  3. I hadn't heard about this particular project but it's a great way of adding a cross-cultural element to the basic toy diary idea.
